In the sprawling cyberpunk dystopia of ARC, a determined gangster named Kai navigates a perilous world of rival factions and high-stakes power struggles as he claws his way to the top of the food chain in a gigantic floating Megacity.
ARC is a serialized animated cyberpunk crime drama, following the rise of Kai, a hardened soldier of the Black Triads street gang. In the gritty underbelly of ARC's poorest district, The Underbelly. His tumultuous past is marked by his father's arrest and his mother's mysterious disappearance, leaving him to care for his three siblings alone. Kai's upbringing has forged in him a fear of vulnerability and an unyielding thirst for power and control, tempered by a twisted sense of moral righteousness.
As Kai navigates the cutthroat criminal world of ARC, he walks a dangerous line as an informant for federal agent Joon. Utilizing Kai's underworld connections, Joon targets the city's biggest criminals, allowing Kai to expand his influence. However, Kai's carefully crafted facade is threatened when a mysterious hacker named Rogue discovers his secret and blackmails him into an uneasy alliance.
Caught between loyalty to his family and the pursuit of power, Kai must navigate treacherous waters, pitting him against ARC's elite and igniting conflicts that delve into the city's darkest secrets. In a world where trust is a luxury and betrayal lurks around every corner, Kai's journey is a gripping tale of survival, ambition, and the high stakes of life in the shadows of ARC.



High Heaven


A Titan Opus