High Heaven is a serialized western set in the tumultuous era of 1886 New Mexico. The story follows Lloyd Carter's relentless quest to reunite with his long-lost sister, Penny. Joining him are the enigmatic Tabatha Grant, his former flame turned bounty hunter, and the cunning Jon Buckwald, his former slave master.
Each episode unfurls the journey of this unconventional trio as they navigate the rugged terrain, encountering formidable adversaries and unforeseen hurdles. Amidst the perilous chase for Penny, secrets will be unearthed, alliances will be tested, and deep bonds will form among Lloyd, Tabatha, and Jon.
High Heaven delves into themes of race, class, social hierarchy, passion, betrayal, and intrigue. As the characters confront their inner demons and external challenges, the series promises riveting drama that pushes the boundaries of their endurance.
This is an immersive exploration of the Old West's many complexities as High Heaven takes audiences on an unforgettable ride through the dusty trails of destiny.